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Habit Of Creature

by Neon Horse

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fervormydear thumbnail
fervormydear Moana Lisa's message kicked me in the ass, in a good way that I needed to Hear lol. "Would it kill ya to die a little to your self...???" Favorite track: Moana Lisa.
arcx.soux thumbnail
arcx.soux Two(!) career best riffs from J Martin in 'Moana Lisa'; Mark sounds like he's back in the Crucified on 'Haskell moon' and the vocal charisma and versatility displayed elsewhere is outstanding as well. Where's sides B, C and D of the double album lads? This is top keck, more please!
Patrick Maiwald
Patrick Maiwald thumbnail
Patrick Maiwald The Horse returneth. The final track has some doomy Sabbath vibes that would make Bobby from Pentagram's eyes bulge. Fantastic! Favorite track: I Know That It Can Be Confusing (When It's All Your Fault).
Nick thumbnail
Nick I’ve been waiting for this for years, so stoked it’s finally here! It was worth the wait! Favorite track: I Know That It Can Be Confusing (When It's All Your Fault).
Haskell Moon 00:00 / 02:37
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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    CD, comes with super thick poster and sticker.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Habit Of Creature via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
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    Purchasable with gift card

      $13.13 USD or more 


  • Get 2 nice 4x4 Neon Horse stickers.
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      $3 USD or more 


  • 12" Test Pressing
    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    For the hardcore fan. The vinyl test pressing in a plain white paper sleeve.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Habit Of Creature via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

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  • Neon Horse Hat

    Black on black, one size fits all with adjustable strap.

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  • Deluxe 12" Pack
    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    This is the EP on orange colored vinyl, cd, poster, and 2 stickers.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Habit Of Creature via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

    Sold Out

Haskell Moon 02:37
Foolin’ fools full time is foolproof Nebuchadnezzar from The Dollar Store Half-moon blowin up your spot You got your britches pulled up But The Bum still glows Snake oil sales to the snake bit suckers Square peg running out of holes Stick of dynamite and room in the bucket For the lemmings still swimming in the Haskell Pool Another Haskell Moon a’rising Seen too many for my liking (Sigh) Another Haskell Moon Run down, run out of the running First to worst and fit to burst Tick tock goes the CUCKOO clock And a cloud of pink dust is your mark on the earth Kick down, kiss up, kick down, kiss up
Don’t be alarmed this won’t be long baby That’s quite the coat, just leave it on lady I ain’t your man, I ain’t you mom baby Ain’t gettin off - I wasn’t on, lady Is this the part where you toss your hair? Laugh at a joke that was never there? You got no haters if no one cares There’s nothin’ there. There’s nothin’ there! You’re blowin’ up but I’m The Bomb baby You’re the ponzi and the pawn lady Live it up, it won’t be long baby Sell your fortune for a song, lady Is this the part where you toss your hair? Laugh at a joke that was never there? You got no haters if no one cares There’s nothin’ there There’s nothin’ there! Because No one Really cares. “Whoa.” There’s… nothing there.
Moana Lisa 03:50
Heard you howlin’ In the dark last night Pounding on the nuthouse walls More than one way to skin a little kitty Sounded like you tried them all You just couldn’t wait, to tell me… To tell me you couldn’t take anymore You felt that weight Like no one’s ever felt it before? Poor thing! Was that you - Face down on the bedroom floor? Weeping ‘cuz you lost your way? Is it hard to forget the bleeding tears That were wept by the wretch that you were Yesterday? Would it kill ya to die a little to yourself? Poor thing!
I’ve been patient I’ve been waiting But you knew that this was comin Now we’re here and It appears that All your fears… …came to somethin I know that it can be confusing But it’s all your fault You’re way past the you-know-what You’re at the finding out Through the ages And all your rages Today was always comin All beginnings have an ending Call it fate or call it nothin Who calls at this hour? Wakes my beauty sleep? Curiosity? Inevitability? Indeed. Fortune favors The Brave? Please: call me by any name Fortune Fate Or Folly The outcome is the same. I know that it can be confusing when it’s all your fault You’ll feel a little pressure Then nothing at all.


Neon Horse is a rock band whose credits are lean : Singer - Norman Horse, Music - by the band. They entered the scene from nowhere and released 2 full length records in 2007 & 2009 to rave reviews. Their track landing in the tv show Sons of Anarchy brought them even more attention.

Though as quickly as they entered, like a thief in the night, they exited and went silent. Now 15 years later they re-emerge with 'Habit of Creature'. 4 absolutely filthy, hard hitting rock songs that land somewhere in the vein of Black Sabbath rolled into skate punk sounds ? Don't know where they've been, but we're glad they are back. The new EP releases on 10/31 via Velvet Blue Music.

VBM 239


released October 30, 2024

Norman Horse - the singer
Neon Horse - the band
Produced & Recorded by Neon Horse
Mixed by Bob Hoag
Rabbit pulled from hat by J. Cloud


all rights reserved



Neon Horse Las Vegas, Nevada

They entered the scene from nowhere and released 2 full length records in 2007 & 2009.

Though as quickly as they entered, like a thief in the night, they exited and went silent. Now 15 years later they re-emerge with 'Habit of Creature'. 4 absolutely filthy, hard hitting rock songs that land somewhere in vein of Black Sabbath rolled into skate punk sounds ?
... more

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